So after the 5k a while back I was severely disappointed in my ability to run. I knew I had just gave blood a few days before, but I didn't think it would have that big of an effect on me. It did. It was hard and my heart rate stayed in the 190s anytime I ran/jogged. I knew I hadn't ran in a while, but I didn't think I was in that bad of shape.
Yesterday proved to be different. I ran and my heart rate was right where it had been before I quit running. I can't say that I am right with where I was, but I can say that I can certainly run more than 3 minutes at a time like I was when I started running last time. I made it my usual loop in just about the same time as I previously had, granted my legs were well rested so that really helped.
Anyway, I ran. It felt good, but I am sore today. I am going to try just doing 3 runs this week to give my legs a chance to catch back up before I really make them work again.
Thanks for reading!